DDEV October 2024 Newsletter

October 1, 2024 4 min read

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Mount Garfield above Palisade

Happy October from DDEV! I just got back from DrupalCon Barcelona and things are finally starting to cool down here in Palisade, Colorado, USA.

Podcast! Chad Carlson of DDEV Lead Sponsor Platform.sh had me on the Change Mode podcast and we had loads of fun. Learn more about the history of DDEV (and my TRS-80 Model 1 Level 2) on the Change Mode Podcast.

DrupalCon Barcelona: I got to see lots of friends old and new in Barcelona. Four training session BoFs, a full-day contribution mentoring session, and loads of fun. Read about it on ddev.com.

Join us for Contributor Training

GitHub Codespaces is working well with DDEV: We used to add a lot of caveats about Codespaces, but the problems were fixed with a new workaround shown in the DDEV docs say how to do it. Give it a try!

DDEV Notes from around the web:

DDEV on Windows ARM64 (the Qualcomm Snapdragon Windows Copilot machines you’ve been hearing about.) I bought a Microsoft Surface Laptop on my own dime to see how it would do with DDEV, and it’s great on WSL2, not ready for traditional Windows. The preferred install technique (docker-ce inside WSL2) works fine except that it stumbles installing ddev.exe on the Windows side. I hope to spend some time on the open Windows ARM64 issue before I need to decide whether to send it back or not. Overall, it’s a delightful machine and does great with DDEV.

Add-On Registry funding: We applied to the TYPO3 community’s grant process to fund the initiative to add a web-based DDEV Add-on Registry. Thanks to those of you who voted! We came in 5th and the top 4 projects were funded. This remains a priority though, and we’d love to have your participation and your organization’s participation.

Fully funding Maintainer Stas: Our key financial goal is to fully fund @stasadev so he can work exclusively on DDEV. We’re about 35% of the way to that goal, but have not been making progress on that in recent months. We need about $3000/month in increased pledges from organizations and individuals. See Full information about supporting DDEV. We’re happy to invoice you, happy to do a call discussing this, and would love it if you’d include DDEV in your 2025 budgeting process. (Our current status: We receive about $4000-$5000/month, spend about $6000/month. Bank balance is about $13,000, down from $15,000 last month.)

THANKS to all of you who are supporting DDEV’s path to sustainability and who have gotten your organizations to do so.

Want to keep up as the month goes along? Follow our blog, LinkedIn, Mastodon, X, and join us on Discord. And of course email us any time, you can reply to this email. If you didn’t get this newsletter in your own inbox, you can. Sign up at https://ddev.com/newsletter.

Happy October from Randy Fay, DDEV Project Lead.

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